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Hanover tables speed bump discussion

In a swift Hanover Township, Lehigh County, Council meeting, council members planned a review and discussion of the installation of speed bumps on some township streets.

Township Solicitor Jackson Eaton requested the review be tabled until the next meeting so the township manager, the public works director and solicitor are present during the review.

Public Works Director Josef Fragnito and township Manager Melissa Wehr were not in attendance at the meeting.

In a second of only two items on council’s new business agenda, three project representatives briefly presented on resolution 2024-45, addressing the final land development plan approval for ABR Realty LLC. at 795 Roble Road, Allentown. The resolution was approved.

The project includes the demolition of a warehouse and the construction of a larger warehouse at the stated location.

Eaton requested a motion be made indicating the township manager must be satisfied with the conditions of the resolution, in consultation with the solicitor and township engineer, and that the 21 conditions in the plan are met. Township Engineer Kevin Chimics, of Keystone Consulting Engineers, said most of the conditions are small adding, “the plan is a good plan.” The motion carried.

The vote on approval of the minutes of the Aug. 21 regular council meeting was waived and, by consensus, accepted as written.

Chimics also reported several construction projects addressing streets and manhole improvement are nearing completion.

There were positive comments about the success of the Community Night held Aug. 27. The community gathering was described as a wholesome family evening, with activities for kids and an opportunity to meet with local elected officials and organizations.