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Respectfully Yours: Kindness goes a long way in public spaces

Dear Jacquelyn,

When I am standing in line at a supermarket or at a drug store, someone will pass ahead of me to ask the clerk a question. They almost never say, “Excuse me.” Why do some people not say “Excuse me” or “I beg your pardon?”

Dear Reader,

Phrases go in and out of style and, unfortunately, very few people say “excuse me” anymore. It appears many have lost a general sense of respect and consideration toward others.

In the world we live in, where common courtesy has fallen out of favor, you will encounter one of two types of people: Those that have the decency to acknowledge you, and those that are too busy to notice the people around them.

Occasionally, you will be the unlucky recipient of the miserable person that says “Excuse me” in a tone that means “Get out of my way.” Take the high road and carry on.

I encourage you to continue to set an example. When you try to get around someone, continue to say “Excuse me” or “Pardon me.” In addition to just saying words, make eye contact and disarm with a smile.

Hopefully, your actions will be a gentle reminder to anyone in earshot that this is how you are supposed to act.

To everyone who is in a hurry today, slow down and pay attention to the people around you. Think before you rush in front of someone waiting in a line and wait your turn. That’s just how it’s done.

I sincerely hope we can get back to a place of general respect where we live more by the Golden Rule. Lead by example. Say please, thank you, have a nice day, and hold doors for people.

Kindness goes far, even if it only makes one person smile.

Respectfully Yours,


Have a question? Email: jacquelyn@ptd.net. Jacquelyn Youst is owner of the Pennsylvania Academy of Protocol, specializing in etiquette training.

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