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Kempton resident

selected as RA

Joseph Chukoskie of Kempton is one of 44 resident assistants for the 2024-2025 academic year at Lebanon Valley College, Annville.

Chukoskie, a graduate of Northwestern Lehigh High School, is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in exercise science at The Valley.

LVC selects resident assistants from the student body who live in the residence halls and serve as mentors and role models.

An RA oversees a floor or wing in a residence hall, serving as a resource for residential students and providing a residential environment conducive to their overall development.

LVC is a residential college that offers a range of housing options and guarantees housing for all four years.

First-year students live in traditional residence halls, which allow them to learn about themselves, meet many people, and make friends.

Most upper-level students live in more independent environments, including small houses, rooms clustered as suites, or apartment-style housing.

Learn more about Residence Life at lvc.edu/offices-directories/office-of-residential-life/.