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Rimple shines for Bloom

The Bloomsburg men’s soccer team pulled off another road victory Wednesday evening with a 1-0 win over Goldey-Beacom.

The star of the match for the Huskies was Brady Rimple (Northampton) occupying the net. The Cherryville native matched his season-high from a year ago with seven stops to keep the Bloomsburg defense afloat and provided the attack with a fighting chance.

Rimple was engaged from the start of the contest, making three saves during the first half. His first came inside the 30th minute, forcing a shot from Tiwalde Ogunfadebo out to force a Goldey-Beacom corner. His second save came in continuation from another set piece, this time deflecting a shot from Lucas Fernandes. The graduate student’s third save in five minutes came at the start of the 35th, parrying a shot from Johs Herden. The Huskies’ tenured keeper followed up the sequence with his fourth save of the opening half at the tail end of the 42nd minute.