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Nahf honored

Moravian University senior Owen Nahf (Northampton HS) was named the Landmark Conference Men’s Cross Country Athlete of the Week for his performance earlier this month.

Nahf placed eighth of the 92 runners at the Lehigh University Invitational with a time of 18:45.7 on the 6,000-meter course to start the 2024 campaign. Nahf’s time was the second fastest 6K time in his career. The Greyhounds finished third of six teams in the meet and were the top non-NCAA Division I squad in the meet.

“The race went out a little slower than we expected, and we found ourselves almost dictating the pace for the first mile or so,” commented Director of Cross Country and Track & Field Jesse Baumann. “However, Owen handled it well, he remained patient with our lead pack and fed off the field well. He had the fastest last kilometer of anyone on our team, closing in a 4:30 mile pace, which shows he can sustain around a 5:00 mile for a full 8k right now, which is a great place to be in for early September. He put in a good summer of work and it’s showing. Now it’s just a matter of working well with the guys and staying healthy and consistent.”