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Volunteer opportunities

Can you lift a box that weighs up to 50 pounds? Allentown Area Ecumenical Food Bank is seeking an experienced delivery driver to assist in loading and unloading boxes of fresh and frozen produce to the senior center 12:30-2:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month using the food bank van. Contact Amy Hitch at 610-821-1332 or aaefb1978@gmail.com.

Do you enjoy presenting to small groups, speaking with people at events, working on social media posts and communicating with potential volunteers? Join American Red Cross as a volunteer recruiter to help build the local volunteer teams who can help to carry out the mission of the Red Cross. Contact Ann at 215-384-7191 or ann.borysowski@redcross.org.

Gracedale Nursing Home in Nazareth is searching for organized individuals willing to commit to volunteering one day a week in the morning hours, Monday through Thursday, to coordinate the clinic desk. Duties involve calling nursing units to remind them of resident clinic appointments and directing other volunteers on which residents need transportation to the clinic area. Background check and proof of COVID-19 vaccination required. Contact Jennie at 610-829-3823 or jrepsher@norcopa.gov.

Itty Bitty Kitty Inc. needs volunteers to help with the purse bingo fundraiser Sept. 29 at Macungie Memorial Hall. Set up is 9:30-11:30 a.m. and bingo runs 11:30 a.m. to about 5 p.m. The afternoon shift will include helping in the kitchen with selling food and beverages, selling tickets for raffle table and 50/50, assisting at the baked goods table and helping during the bingo. Minimum age to volunteer is 10 with an adult. Contact Kathi at 610-973-7400 or ittybittykittypa@gmail.com.

Experience the joy of Special Olympics as a coach for the bocce team. The primary responsibility of a head coach is to teach the skills and instill the spirit that defines a true athlete; they are role models and character builders. While bocce knowledge/experience is helpful, coach training opportunities and resources are available. Bocce practice starts in September and runs until November and takes place in Whitehall. Background check is required. Call 610-850-0449 or email volunteer@specialolympicspa.org.

It’s that time of year for the Women Of Excellence of Bethlehem gift wrapping beginning Oct. 16 through Dec. 20: 10 a.m. to noon Wednesdays and Fridays; 4-7 p.m. Saturdays; 3-6 p.m. Sundays in Bethlehem. Help needed at the children’s program in Bethlehem 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Dec. 21. Minimum age to volunteer is 13. Contact Enid at 484-662-0599 or bethlehemwomenofexcellence@gmail.com.

Visit their website www.volunteerlv.org for a larger listing of volunteer opportunities or contact them at 610-807-0336 or vc@volunteerlv.org for more information.

Help fight hunger. Deliver meals to homebound seniors & adults with disabilities for Meals on Wheels of the Greater LV. Monday through Friday deliveries are made from eight pickup locations throughout the valley. Sign up when available using our online scheduler; shifts start between 10 and 10:30 a.m. and take 60 to 90 minutes to complete. Deliver on your own or with a friend, family member or co-worker. Instructions and training provided; application and background check required. Contact Dawn Stillwagen at 610-841-7011 or dawns@mowglv.org.

We are in search of individuals who are enthusiastic about sharing their musical gifts with the Phoebe Allentown Nursing Home community. They would be thrilled to have performers, whether as a single occasion or a regular series, tailored to the performer’s availability. They embrace all types of musical performances, from vocal and piano to violin and harmonica. The standard program times are 10:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Minimum age to perform is 13 or 10 with adult. Contact Joan Wickel at 610-794-5370 or jwickel@phoebe.org.