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School board hears request for CHS coach rehire

Nearly two dozen people filled the audience at the Catasauqua Area School District Board of Education meeting Sept. 11, many of them wearing T-shirts that read #WeStandByCoachMule. They attended the meeting to request the rehiring of Mark Seremula as the Catasauqua High School girls varsity basketball coach.

Those addressing council included parents of students, Seremula’s family members, a former graduate and more. Each statement had one theme — Seremula is a great coach and person. The popular belief was the school district should have renewed his contract, and they questioned the motives for the change.

For legal and personnel reasons, the district board and administration could not discuss the matter in detail.

According to allegations made by Seremula’s supporters, the reason was personal. Seremula also spoke to the board and gave general details about the incident believed to be the reason for his dismissal.

He admitted saying things he regrets and said he made a mistake in a heated moment. He reported someone was harassing his wife, so he spoke up to defend his family. He noted he did not act on his words.

“I’m not a perfect person,” Seremula said. “But nobody is.”

He claimed the school district turned a “personal matter into a personnel matter.”

Seremula also said he was “disheartened” with the way everything happened, noting he was not given the opportunity to explain and was not given real details or an explanation why he was released.

Reached after the meeting, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Christina Lutz-Doemling noted the CASD coaching positions are one-year roles. She reported the position was then posted in accordance with board policy and district procedures.

A dozen attendees took turns approaching the microphone to talk about their thoughts on Seremula’s dedication to the district and his student athletes. They said he turned a struggling girls basketball program into a winning one.

“Mark Seremula is unlike any coach I’ve ever had in my life,” recent graduate Sophia Becker said.

She also mentioned he would attend other sporting events or school activities to support his students on and off the court.

Many of the speakers detailed his work as a coach and his qualifications. Additionally, members of his family gave impassioned speeches saying Seremula’s heart lies with the district and his students and commented on the strength of his character.

Board Vice President Jillian Emert, who presided over the meeting, thanked each speaker for their input and for sharing their concerns with the board. Board member Shawn McGinley reported they would take all of the comments into consideration and will work to make the best decision they can for the students and the district.

“We do care,” board President Dale Hein said.

Lutz-Doemling noted the deadline for applications for the role was Sept. 8. They will be holding interviews and moving forward with the process.

According to a post on the #WeStandByCoachMule public Facebook event, Seremula put in an application for the position.

PRESS PHOTO BY SAMANTHA ANDERSONMark Seremula, former Catasauqua High School girls varsity basketball coach, addresses the Catasauqua Area School District Board of Education during the Sept. 11 meeting.