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Back to school night

From left, Northampton Area Middle School art teacher Christopher Soboleski reviews student art work and wall murals outside the art room with the Haines family — Amanda, sixth-grade student Charlotte and Chris — during back to school night Sept. 12. The wall murals painted by students are coordinated by art teacher Erin Miller (not pictured).
Parents/guardians of sixth-graders, some accompanied by their child, gather in the NAMS band room to hear a group presentation by teachers introducing themselves and outlining expectations for the school year.
NAMS Principal Michael Lopata welcomes the Wydock family to the annual school event. From left are Charlee, Carter, Jamie and Jaxon.
Charlize Padilla, a seventh-grade student, displays her selection of the book “Places We’ve Never Been” as she shops at the school’s book fair, one of the special activities available to families during the event.
Genesis Sierra and her daughter Sophia, a seventh-grade student, meet with teacher Harry Schwartz to discuss curriculum for the 2024-25 academic year.
Sixth-grader Stella Spagnoletti and first-year orchestra teacher Trish Risley look forward to making music this school year.
From left, seventh-grade social studies and Stack 3 team teacher Jacob Becker welcomes student Elsie Conrad and her parents, Jamie and John, to his classroom.
Snacks for back to school night are provided to attendees, compliments of Bethlehem Area Vocational-Technical School, which is an educational partnership between the Bethlehem Area, Northampton Area and Saucon Valley school districts that provides students with career and technical studies in 27 unique programs.
PRESS PHOTOS BY DONNA GEWERTZEvent attendees browse the offerings at the book fair in the school’s library.
Browsing through various tables highlighting available activities for students are sixth-grader Gavin Kocher and his mother, Tonia Biechy, of Moore Township.