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Laura Street Playground up and running

The Sept. 3 Emmaus Borough Council meeting opened with Borough Manager Shane Pepe offering thanks and appreciation to Director of Emergency Services/Chief John Price whose last day was planned for Sept. 5.

The first order of business was the approval of the 2024 Braun Ambulance lease. According to Pepe, the lease was the lowest cost of the loan if paid annually rather than monthly. The lease is for three years.

The resignation of Joe Fritz from the Emmaus Arts Commission effective Sept. 1 was also discussed. It was noted there are 11 positions on the commission, but only 4-5 positions are currently filled.

The Emmaus Rotary Club event request for “Tastes of East Penn” will be sent to the parks and recreation committee. Councilman Brent Labenberg was concerned about the clean up time of 11 p.m. and requested it be cut by one hour.

Councilman Roy Anders acknowledged Benjamin Harrison, in attendance at the meeting, who was hired as a new full-time public works department employee pending approval of paperwork. Council approved Harrison for this position. Anders offered appreciation to the staff, specifically Cristen McTamney, involved in this new hire. Also, Robert Lewullis was retained as a part-time firefighter.

Regarding budget and finance, it was noted the borough is interviewing four banks.

Labenberg questioned the August budget performance of the nonemergency ambulance being zero dollars. Pepe responded “the money is moving.” Software issues were reportedly the problem; “not because they are not transporting (they are.),” Pepe added.

Labenberg also questioned the clerical use of air tags as well as the costs of operating the borough building after the renovations. Pepe explained after being in the building for one year, he has a better idea of what to look for regarding expenditures for gas (which the building runs on) and electricity. The borough continues to look for lower rates.

Finally, Labenberg questioned a credit card charge for a purchase rather than the use of a check. Council agreed and will follow up on that concern. After the concerns were discussed, the budget was approved.

Anders commented on the improvements around Emmaus in formerly blighted areas with new apartment buildings. Pepe added the area of the former Turkey Hill is being cleaned up. The borough was citing the property owner $1,000 a day if the site was not cleaned up and the attorney for the property owner responded.

Numerous Realtors have inquired about the space but Pepe noted “communication is difficult” since the corporation is no longer in Lancaster and selling the property would be a corporate decision. Talk among Emmaus residents rumored a Dairy Queen was possibly going to move into that space; however, Pepe was clear when he stated, “There is no Dairy Queen going in there.”

Councilman Chris Hoenscheid shared the Emmaus Community Pool ended the season on Labor Day with a record-breaking year. He noted the pool brought in $20,000 over the last record. He added the snack bar also came in over budget. He shared the impressive results are the work of numerous individuals like Tiffany Reid and Director Jonathan White as well as the lifeguards and staff. He complimented so many people working together and looks forward to next summer.

Finally, Anders took pride in sharing that after numerous delays, the community effort by the borough and residents has resulted in the Laura Street Playground “being up and running.” Anders thanked public works for a great job and noted there will be a future ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Following the meeting, The Press visited the Laura Street Playground, 1025 Laura St., and met the Heinz and Verbitsky families who took advantage of the beautiful weather to enjoy the new park. Katharine and Bill Heinz said the swing sets and playground equipment were all replaced and look fantastic. Kristen Verbitsky appreciated the efforts made to make the park more inviting. The basketball courts are ready for players. Residents hope the benches can be improved with some new paint. These two families appreciated the efforts by the borough to provide a more improved neighborhood park.

Emmaus Borough Council meets next 6 p.m. Sept. 16 in Emmaus Borough Hall. The entrance is on Jubilee Street.

PRESS PHOTO BY LISA DRAPEREmmaus Borough Councilman Roy Anders is pictured with the new full-time public works employee Benjamin Harrison.
Lexi Verbitsky has fun on the new Laura Street Playground equipment.
Madelyn Heinz, Chase Verbitsky and Ben Heinz check out the new playground equipment.
PRESS PHOTOS BY LISA DRAPERChase Verbitsky tries out the basketball court.