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Board OKs emergency operations plan


Special to The Press

Parkland School Board directors approved the district Emergency Operations Plan at their Aug. 20 meeting.

The Commonwealth recommends the plan be presented annually.

The lengthy document was developed by Dr. Anthony Naradko, director of safety, security and school services, with advice from first responders.

Board member Chris Pirrotta commented.

“It took a lot of time and effort to put this together,” Pirrotta said.

Board member Rob Cohen added his thoughts about the document.

“The plan is impressive and comprehensive,” Cohen said.

Looking toward the new school term, Assistant Superintendents Dr. Michelle Minotti and Timothy Chorones discussed district goals for 2024-25.

“We look at the big picture in our thinking and planning,” Minotti said.

She explained the administrative team worked with the comprehensive plan, strategic plan, and building and department goals, then took time for reflection and sought feedback for the district wide goals.

Chorones commented on the goals.

“Our administrative team worked together on operations and academics,” Chorones said.

He said the district wants to strengthen physical and cyber security; improve connections for students, staff, and families; and continue highly engaged professional development for all staff to best serve students.

“We want to enhance student mental, emotional, and behavioral supports,” Chorones continued. “We want to focus on literacy based on the science of reading.”

Looking ahead to future needs as enrollment increases, Chorones said district representatives are planning for Vision 2030, which includes building expansions of Parkland High School and Orefield Middle School, while taking into consideration short-term and long-term budget strategy.