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Sketch plan for Farmersville Estates

A sketch plan for Farmersville Estates was presented to Bethlehem Township Commissioners at their Aug. 19 meeting.

The proposed single-family detached housing would include four parcels of land totaling over 214 acres, bordering Farmersville and Green Pond roads, primarily north of Route 22. The proposal is comprised of 206 units, and a change in zoning from Agricultural Farmed Land to Family Unit Cluster would have to be approved.

Ana Martins of Van Cleef Engineering Associates and Erich Schock, Esq., of Fitzpatrick Lentz and Bubba, reviewed Jaindl Land Company’s sketch plan.

In addressing concerns about parking and cluster homes, Dan Jaindl told commissioners, “We like the clusters with the smaller lots. Our experience is that people don’t want to maintain the larger lots. They don’t want to see larger yards. They really prefer the smaller lots.”

As this is a sketch plan, no action was required from the board harmless indemnification agreement.

The board gave approval for a hold harmless indemnification agreement between the township and Sagar and Nikita Patel, allowing a fence to be built in an easement at 1786 Josie Lane.

A resolution was approved allowing the township to apply for the Northampton County Public Safety Program. The grant offers $20,000 per application, with a minimum of $1 grant per $2 spent. The moneys will go to cover the costs of $39,269 for four mobile radios for patrol vehicles.

Finally, the township approved an agreement to pay 50 percent of the costs for a school resource officer for Bethlehem Area Vocational-Technical School, and Jaden Antoine was appointed as an associate council member of the Bethlehem Township Advisory Council.