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Process for new police chief continues

Motion rescinds vote to send nomination to Civil Service Commission

Catasauqua Borough Council held a special meeting before the committee and workshop meetings Sept. 3 to continue the process of finding a new police chief.

At an Aug. 5 special council meeting, Ray Anthony was selected as council’s choice for the new chief. Anthony already serves the borough as the emergency management coordinator, fire marshal, fire code official and part-time police officer.

Council originally sent Anthony’s nomination to the Civil Service Commission. During that time, there were changes being made to the standards and requirements for the commission. Since these new standards were not clear to Anthony at the time, he has since asked to go with a contract through council instead of going through the CSC.

This action caused a delay in the proceedings since the nomination was already sent to the CSC. There was lengthy discussion at the Aug. 19 meeting on how best to move forward efficiently to ensure the borough has a police chief soon.

The Sept. 3 special meeting included an executive session that lasted for an hour.

When council returned, President Howard Cunningham made a motion to rescind the Aug. 5 vote sending Anthony’s nomination to the commission. The motion passed unanimously.

In other business at the special meeting, council approved three resolutions approving Civil Service rules and regulations amendments, as adopted by the CSC.

Resolution 15-2024 approved the “commission to determine for promotional examinations whether to administer a written examination, an oral examination or both.” The vote was unanimous.

Resolution 16-2024 eliminated the requirement that police chief nominees must take a physical fitness test. Resolution 17-2024 revised the standards of the physical fitness test to allow for equitable variations based on factors such as age and gender. Both resolutions passed with a 6-1 vote, with Councilwoman Jill Smerdon opposed.

Council then adjourned the special meeting and continued with the workshop and committee meetings.

The next Catasauqua Borough Council meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. Sept. 16 at the municipal complex, 90 Bridge St.
