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How do you feel about banning student cell phones from school classrooms?

“Good! Classrooms are distracting enough and they don’t need a device to distract you more.”Daniel BeckerBethlehem
“The issue is, in our era, that cell phones are important for students to stay in contact with their parents. Discourage their use, but I don’t agree with taking them.”J. CoyneBethlehem
“I think it’s a good idea. I think it’s probably a distraction.”Eileen HaneyAmbler
“It’s a good idea for concentration and focus. But, it shouldn’t be banned throughout schools and campuses.”Kasey GribbleMillville, NJ
“I’m on the fence. Classroom concentration is an issue, but outside as a mom, I need to have that contact.”Sandy GribbleMillville, NJ
“It’s essential to remove them because they are a distractive element and create an environment where learning cannot happen.”Sean SalingerGalveston, TX