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Borough council OKs fire department requests

Cost recovery for service, training grant, vehicle financing are discussed

At the Sept. 5 Northampton Borough Council meeting, council discussed and approved a number of fire department matters.

Council adopted ordinance 1236, which provides for cost recovery for fire services. Resolution 10-24 was also approved to allow Northampton Fire Department to apply for a Lehigh-Northampton County Share Account grant to purchase a fire training property.

In March 2023, council agreed to purchase a Pierce Enforcer heavy-duty rescue pumper vehicle for $1,340,961.47 for the fire department. A down payment of $300,000 and a loan for the balance will be used to pay for the vehicle.

Volunteer Financing Services Inc. was used in the past to finance fire apparatus. Council agreed to utilize Volunteer Financing Services to fund the purchase. The annual payment will be $101,751.33.

In a council committee report, it was noted the fire department will hold its annual Fire Prevention Month open house 5-8 p.m. Oct. 9 at the station, 4 Lerchenmiller Drive, Northampton.

All resolutions and ordinances are available for review by contacting the borough office or visiting northamptonboro.com.

In other business, an accessible parking spot in the 1600 block of Washington Avenue was recommended by Northampton Police Department Chief Bryan Kadingo and approved by council.

Council also approved a request from Coplay Police Department Chief Ryan Emerich to allow Northampton Fire Police to assist Coplay Borough in directing traffic during the Oct. 15 Coplay Halloween parade.

Affordable Pet Care, Foxy’s Cradle and Tiki Cat received council permission to have four to six parking spots in the back row of the community parking lot on Center Street for a kitten adoption event, set for 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Oct. 5.

The Wheels on the Canal organizers received council permission to use Canal Street Park and the portable band trailer for the annual car show, set for May 17, 2025, with a rain date of May 18, 2025.

Council appointed David Stubits to fill a vacancy on the borough’s planning commission.

The effort to improve Fourth Street Park is moving forward. Council will be voting on a plan to make substantial changes that expand the uses of the park for the general public.

Council approved trick-or-treat night as 6-8 p.m. Oct. 31 in the borough.

Northampton Exchange Club requested and received council permission to hold the 75th annual Jack Frost parade Oct. 17, beginning 7 p.m., with a rain date of Oct. 24.

Council approved a recycling event to be held from 10 a.m. to noon Nov. 23 in the parking lot of Northampton Banquet and Event Center, 1601 Laubach Ave. The cost to the borough is $1,690 for the two recycling trucks needed for the event.

In committee reports, it was mentioned the borough has started reviewing its emergency management plan. Additionally, the 35th annual Uptown Northampton Street Fair is planned for 11 a.m. Sept. 14 on Main Street.

A council report indicated there were about 8,000 daily passes and 238 pool season passes sold during the 2024 pool season. By all measures, the season was reportedly a successful one, with minimal issues throughout the summer.

In the public works and sewer committee council report, it was said the repair on the sewer line that was damaged near 105-107 Laubach Ave. was a large repair and completed in one day.

After the meeting, Mayor Anthony Pristash noted that, with a new manager, upcoming new assistant manager, new members on various borough committees and other positions recently filled, he sees the evolution of the borough moving forward in the best way. He said he is delighted with the progress in the borough’s quality of life and sees even better days ahead for Northampton.

Council will next meet 7 p.m. Sept. 19 at the municipal building, 1401 Laubach Ave. It is a hybrid meeting, with in-person and virtual options. Visit northamptonboro.com to access the meeting virtually.
