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Backpack to school

Hispanic Center Lehigh Valley’s annual back to school kick-off event Aug. 19 offered children returning to school and their families school supplies, backpacks, snacks, food and beverages, and face painting, with bright decorations and music creating a festive environment inside the center.

Children were also able to receive a back-to-school haircut, as local barbers offered their services for free.

“HCLV’s back to school event showcased how our Lehigh Valley comes together to support our students,” said Hispanic Center’s executive director Raymond Santiago.

A number of local agencies also staffed informational booths to provide resources to the families in attendance. HCLV operations manager Lizzette Melendez noted that about 70 organizations, agencies, businesses and individuals supported with donations to the start of the new school year giveaway.

Santiago said, “We are grateful to all of our donors who provided children with a fun time and all the necessary school supplies to start their year ready to learn. With the community’s support we helped over 350 children.”

Children received boxes of crayons and coloring books upon entering the Hispanic Center.
The Center was brightly decorated and welcoming for the cuildren and their families.
Gianni receives a haircut from local barber and volunteer, Ulysses.
Loaded up with school supplies and snacks, seven-year-old Luciana gets a little help from operations manager Lizzette Melendez and volunteer Francesca when receiving her new pink backpack.
Tarin has a look of disbelief as he receives his very own black backpack from a volunteer.
Operations manager Lizzette chats with several boys who are enjoying snacks.
Bella was one of many who had their faces painted by artist Kim Einsla.
Hispanic Center chef Jose Ocasio prepares hot dogs to be served to kids in attendance.
PRESS PHOTOS BY DANA GRUBBA city fire truck and information stands by sponsors greeted families coming to the back-to-school kickoff.
DJ Marilyn Picart volunteered her services to provide lively music during the event.