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Girls hoops enjoyed new summer format

This summer, rising senior Annie Beenders knew there would be some different looks to the Konkrete Kids’ girls’ basketball team.

Beenders, who led the team averaging 10 points per game last season, will be one of three starters back in the fold from a team that posted a 6-16 record in a rebuilding season. She also was able to go to Spain at the end of July on a leadership/basketball trip.

This summer, the Kids have forgone their usual summer basketball league. Instead, they have played against other teams at Catasauqua on Wednesdays in an informal format.

Beenders has welcomed the change from the longtime summer staple.

“The summer workouts [went] pretty good,” she said. “We have been putting in the work with the plays and with different drills,” she said. “I think this is going to be a good team this season because everyone has shown how much they have grown from last year, which will help us.”

Along with Beenders, rising senior Jenna Raysley and rising junior Isabella Pecuch are the returning starters. Rising juniors Ro Echevarria and Abby Luipersbeck have been two of the more promising young players this summer.

“The three returning starters are playing well,” said Jacksits. “Isabella Pecuch has made tremendous strides since last year. Ro Echevarria and Abby Luipersbeck have been playing surprisingly well. Beenders has been a leader, and Raysley is also becoming one.

“Hopefully, the others will continue to get better as we finish our summer workouts.”

Overall, Jacksits welcomed the new format this summer.

“We actually [played] more games than being in a summer league, and we [had] additional workouts,” said Jacksits. “It’s been working out a lot better.

“We have been able to get new younger players up to speed with our offense and defense. I think we’re making progress. We [continued] to do this until the first or second week of August.

“We are very optimistic that we can improve on out 6-16 record from last year.”