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SES Kindergarten orientation is held Aug. 26

Salisbury Elementary School welcomed kindergarten students for orientation day Aug. 26. The day is designed to help kindergartners prepare to begin their school careers. RIGHT: Kindergartner Alayiah Ortiz joins Kristalee Medina for a photo on orientation day.Additional photos appear on Page A2.Press Photo by Rebecca Foehrkolb
Kindergartner Olivia Espinosa is with Chase Conklin, Matthew Espinosa and Lakota Espinosa on orientation day.
Judy Campbell is ready for orientation day in the company of Tammy Campbell.
Harper King is heading to kindergarten orientation escorted by mom Devon and Emmet King.
Ozias Perez invites positive vibes in a photo with Deniliz Rodriguez en route to kindergarten orientation day at Salisbury Elementary School.Press Photos by Rebecca Foehrkolb
Danny Lopez-Hernandez attends orientation day with Danny Hernandez and Yessica Lopez. Salisbury Township School District students officially started classes Aug. 27.