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Salisbury Elementary School PTO hosts Popsicle play date Aug. 21

Press Photos by Lauren WellbankSalisbury Elementary School’s PTO hosted soon-to-be schoolmates for a Popsicle play date Aug. 21 at the school. Teachers also met with families at the event. ABOVE: The Salisbury High School Class of 2037 joins the Falcon for a photo before heading into Salisbury Elementary School to meet their teachers for the 2024-2025 school year.
Olivia Espinosa is all smiles as she stands with the Falcon in front of Salisbury Elementary School.
Eileen Hottenstein is under the swings while her new classmates play tag.
SES PTO Vice President Tammy Christ and Secretary Lauren Kormanik take a break from handing out Popsicles to join the Falcon for a photo.
Olive Jones is ready to “slide” into the new school year.
Harper Jones spends time on the swings Aug. 21.