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Bath council seeks Storm Water Authority members

At the Aug. 12 Bath Borough Council meeting, council discussed the challenge of finding qualified members for the Storm Water Authority. The borough currently has an MS4 committee with three council members on it. MS4 refers to a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System.

An MS4 is a conveyance or system of conveyances owned by a state, city, township or borough that discharges into waters, streams, creeks, rivers or other bodies of water. It is designed or used to collect or convey stormwater, including storm drains, pipes, ditches and more. It is a system not combined with, but independent from, a municipal sewer system.

Stormwater is water that originates from precipitation from storms, including heavy rain and melted water from snow and hail.

The costs of this federally mandated endeavor are borne by the municipalities. Bath’s potential costs, as estimated by borough leaders, can be as high as $500,000 to fulfill Bath’s legal obligations under the U.S. Clean Water Act.

Council had the first reading of ordinance 2024-736, which signifies the intention of Bath council to organize a municipal authority under the provisions of the Municipal Authorities Act to provide stormwater system planning, management and implementation and appointing and fixing the terms of the first members of the board of the Storm Water Authority.

The ordinance will authorize and direct proper officers of the Storm Water Authority to perform all acts and execute all other documents required by this ordinance. It will set forth and authorize the execution of articles of incorporation and authorizes all other necessary action.

Residents interested in serving on the Storm Water Authority should contact the borough office or visit bathborough.org to apply or get more information.

In other business, the fire department report included 26 fire calls for June and 27 for July. The year to date total is 201 fire calls.

According to the environmental advisory committee report, the new sanitation contract was being reviewed.

The community and economic development committee reported a meeting was recently held with several organizations to discuss how to further the interests of business and nonprofit organizations in the borough.

According to the parks and recreation committee report, the walking bridge over the Monocacy Creek will be inspected and wildflower planting is planned at Firefighters Field. It was reported there are some irrigation issues at the field.

Mayor Fiorella Reginelli Mirabito noted she met with the Pennsylvania State Police and things are status quo at this point. She added there will be a Coffee with the Cops event 9-11 a.m. Oct. 2 at borough hall.

The 2025 budget was briefly discussed. Suggestions were to install a new bathroom in the public works building and consider planning for a band shell or similar structure at Ciff Cowling Field.

Resolution 2024-006 was approved to have an independent auditor evaluate the borough’s finances.

Resolution 2024-007, adding public works employees as parking code officials, was tabled for further review.

All resolutions and ordinances are available for resident review by contacting the borough office or visiting bathborough.org.

The next Bath Borough Council meeting is set for 6 p.m. Sept. 9 at borough hall, 121 S. Walnut St. It is an in-person meeting only but is recorded and placed on YouTube. Visit bathborough.org to access the recording.