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4th annual Southside Stride

Southside Stride is held for students entering kindergarten at Fountain Hill and Donegan elementary schools and for sixth graders entering Broughal MS. Recognizing that entering a new school for the first time can be daunting, the annual Southside Stride brings faculty into neighborhoods to meet incoming students on familiar ground before the school year begins.

Staff conducted home visits Aug. 16 to welcome incoming kindergarten students and sixth graders. Immediately following there were meet and greet events at Yosko Park or the Fountain Hill playground.

Students socialized with staff and peers while enjoying ice pops and receiving new bookbags.

PRESS PHOTOS BY JENN RAGOBroughal MS Family Development Specialist “Mr. JJ” distributes bookbags at the Southside Stride event at Yosko Park. More photos on page A2.
Mr. Weiss, Broughal MS Restorative Response Coach helps ease the anxiety of entering a new school as he talks to incoming students.
Donegan Elementary staff Nina Andreucci, Jessica Rodriguez, Kim Knipe and Danielle Beiner help welcome new students at the Southside Stride event at Yosko Park.
Parents, school staff and new kindergarten and sixth grade students gather at Yosko Park as part of the Southside Stride event Aug. 16.