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Iron Chef Contest

The Iron Chef Competition is held on the Farm to Table Stage in the Agri-Plex at the 2024 Allentown Fair.

Aug. 30

1 p.m. - Iron Chef Battle 1: Director of Dining Services Esteban Morales of Fountain View at Logan Square vs Chef-Owner John Abela of Composed Catering

3 p.m. - Iron Chef Battle 2: Sous Chef Ryan Lukow of Savory Grille vs Chef-Owner Paul Rojrattana of La Kang Thai French & La Kang Thai Noodles & Seafood

4 p.m. - Iron Chef Battle 3: Chef Harrison Lemus of La Cocina Del Abuelo - Grandpa’s Kitchen vs Executive Chef Roberto Lopez of Old Homestead Golf Club

5 p.m. - Iron Chef Battle 4: Sous Chef Skip Spina of Paxos Restaurants - Blue Grillhouse vs Chef Dan Goulet, CEC, CEPC President of the Professionals Chefs Association of the Greater Lehigh Valley

Aug. 31

1 p.m. - Iron Chef Battle 5: Executive Chef Stacy Calles of Kalahari Resort & Conventions vs Top-Scoring Eliminated Chef of Aug. 30 battles

3 p.m. - Iron Chef Battle 6: Winner of Battle 2 vs Winner of Battle 4

4 p.m. - Iron Chef Battle 7: Winner of Battle 1 vs Winner of Battle 3

5 p.m. - Iron Chef Battle 8: Winner of Battle 5 vs Winner with Lowest Score of Battle 6 and 7

Sept. 1

1 p.m. - Iron Chef Semi Final Battle: Winners of Aug. 31 battles face-off

3:15 p.m. - Iron Chef Final Battle: 2023 Winner Executive Sous Chef Courtney Davenport of The Shelby vs Winner of Semi-Final Battle