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The Audio Files band is showcased in Tunes in The Triangle Aug. 23

Press Photo by Kathy HassickThe Audio Files band drew a huge crowd during the last of the Tunes in the Triangle concerts for the summer season Aug. 23. The band played for two hours without a break and kept the crowd entertained with songs from Pearl Jam, The Bangles, Melissa Etheridge and Tom Petty. ABOVE: The Audio Files band plays in Triangle Park, Emmaus, Aug. 23. Additional photos on Page A2.
Henna Chakra owner Sophia Hami gives Nehal Mohmed a complimentary henna design during the Tunes in the Triangle concert Aug. 23.
RIGHT: Elijah Tracey focuses on a chalk design during the concert in Triangle Park, Emmaus.
ABOVE: The Cactus Blue food truck is a busy spot during Tunes in the Triangle Aug. 23.
BELOW: A group of friends gather to listen to music and socialize during the Tunes in the Triangle concert.
PRESS PHOTOS BY KATHY HASSICKJeanne Weiser is so moved by the music of the Audio Files she brings her best air guitar moves.