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Salisbury receives Great Pennsylvania School Designation


Salisbury Township School District was recently designated as a Great Pennsylvania School.

The GPS designation recognizes Pennsylvania public schools that provide students with access to rigorous programming, are community-centric, demonstrate financial well-being and display resilience.

Inspire, Think, Learn, Grow … Together

To receive this designation, districts must meet the criteria established in each of the four categories. Districts that provide students with academically rigorous programming must confirm that 100% of their teachers are certified and students have access to diverse educational programming including: career and technical education, gifted education, advanced placement and/or dual enrollment courses.

To demonstrate the district’s position as the centerpiece of the community, it must exemplify innovation in school programming, regularly celebrate success of students and staff and provide academic and extracurricular offerings for the benefit of the students.

Salisbury has done so by integrating technology into education via the implemented one-to-one device program ensuring every student has access to MacBooks or iPads; which has increased digital literacy in their students and enabled personalized learning experiences tailored to individual student needs.

Multiple STEM and STEAM programs have further enhanced the science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics education of Salisbury’s students.

Salisbury has established numerous recognition programs for staff and students alike, such as Student of the Month and Falcon Staff Awards, highlighting the accomplishments and dedication of both students and staff promoting a culture of excellence and appreciation.

The final criteria – resilience and fiscal health – measure a district’s planning efforts that ultimately lead to successful academic programming.

To meet the resilience criteria, a district must implement an emergency preparedness plan and provide mental health supports to students. Salisbury has a detailed emergency response protocol in all situations; ranging from natural disasters, fires, lockdowns, evacuations and medical. The district coordinates with Salisbury police, as well as Eastern and Western Salisbury Fire Departments in the case of an emergency.

Communication plans are in place for students, faculty, parents and local authorities in case of emergency and drills are performed regularly to ensure preparedness.

Salisbury also offers an array of mental health support through access to school counselors, collaboration with local mental health agencies to provide on-site services, student assistance programs designed to identify and assist students with mental health or substance abuse issues, crisis intervention and preventive programs to promote mental health awareness, resilience and coping strategies among students.

A district meets the financially healthy criteria by having an elected or independent auditor conduct a financial audit annually, making the final district budget available for public viewing before adoption and following school code requirements for bids and quotations when purchasing goods and services.

In addition to the GPS designation and success stories from schools across the state, the campaign website also houses information about the roles and responsibilities of a school board, how to run for a position on a local school board and a collective vision for the future of public education in Pennsylvania.

The Salisbury Township School District community is encouraged to learn more about the great things happening in their schools by visiting the district’s profile.

The Salisbury Township School District spans approximately 11.27 square miles with an enrollment of approximately 1,500 students. The Salisbury Township School District has a student-teacher ratio of 16:1 and operates three schools including Salisbury Elementary School, Salisbury Middle School and Salisbury High School. Approximately 123 students attend the Lehigh County Technical Institute.