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Resident shares e-bike concerns at council meeting

During the Aug. 15 Northampton Borough Council meeting, a resident asked if the borough would consider examining the increased use of electric bicycles on park trails and around the borough. The gentleman requested a review of the situation occur to avoid a mishap that could cost a person their life or a serious bodily injury.

The resident mentioned e-bikes can travel as fast as 30 mph. He suggested e-bikes could have restricted times of use, council could require a person have a driver’s license to operate an e-bike in the borough, or council could simply ban e-bikes. He added he is not advocating for any of these potential solutions but presenting ideas for consideration.

Borough Solicitor Stephanie Stewart said she is willing to answer any legal questions council may have should they decide to review the matter.

Councilman Ronald Knopf suggested borough police Chief Bryan Kadingo consider a return of the bike safety program the borough once had. Councilwoman Judy Haldeman asked Kadingo if the department received increased complaints about youth regular-peddle biking unsafely on borough streets.

The e-bike and peddle bike issues are expected to be addressed in the coming weeks.

In other business, council approved an ordinance that would create a one-hour parking zone and amend the loading zone hours in the 1200 block of Main Street.

Resolution 9-2024 was approved to ensure an efficient and effective maintenance program during winter. Pennsylvania Department of Transportation entered into an agreement to transfer winter maintenance responsibilities to a service provider. The service provider that provides the equipment and personnel and commits to perform winter maintenance work for designated state highways, including bridges and approaches, will be funded by PennDOT under this agreement.

Kadingo requested and received permission to send a detective to attend a training class for wiretap certification. It will be held Sept. 9-13 at the Pennsylvania State Police Academy in Hershey. The cost is $500.

Kadingo requested and received permission to sell the police department’s 2011 Crown Victoria police cruiser for $1 to Coplay Fire Department. The vehicle was replaced by one of the three new police vehicles recently acquired by the police department.

A resident requested R. Paul Street become one way from Main Street to Franklin Street. The request will be evaluated by the police department.

Council approved the proposal from the environmental planning and design committee of the River Central Multimunicipal Comprehensive Plan at a cost of $54,700.57.

Council voted to change the date of next year’s shredding event, sponsored by state Rep. Zach Mako, R-183rd, to April 26, 2025. The event was originally scheduled for April 19, 2025, but that is the day before Easter.

Bids are requested by the borough for a company to repave a section of Barrington Drive later this year. The request was approved.

Councilman Kenneth Hall noted the borough’s emergency management plan needs to be updated.

Hall also said a group of tourists from Hungary visited Atlas Cement Company Memorial Museum. Hall said they were delighted to learn workers from Hungary who worked at Northampton Cement Mills were honored by the museum. He noted they made a monetary donation to the museum.

Haldeman announced an electronic recycling event will be scheduled. The cost to the borough is $1,690. Residents will be charged per item recycled. More information about the event is forthcoming.

Haldeman was also involved in a meeting that may result in a refurbishing and updating the borough’s Fourth Street Playground to make it a modern, accessible park. She went on to express sadness at the vandalism that has occurred over the summer at the borough’s parks. She lamented the recent $6,000 repair cost for a playground piece of equipment that was severely damaged by vandals.

Councilwoman Bonnie Almond noted the fire department plans to participate in Pen Argyl’s annual Labor Day parade Sept. 2 and Lehighton’s 150th anniversary parade Sept. 28.

Almond added they will be addressing the financing of a 2026 Pierce rescue truck for the fire department that council approved for purchase in March 2023.

The next council meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. Sept. 5. It is a hybrid meeting, with both in-person and virtual options. Visit northamptonboro.com for an agenda of the meeting and how to access the meeting virtually.
