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Letter to the Editor: Return the Republican Party to one of values

To the Editor:

Many years ago, when I was elected as a mayor and county commissioner, I was a Republican. Those were the days when the party had principles and honest candidates. We worked with Democrats and Independents to do what was right for the people we represented.

Then, the party was hijacked and no longer represented the values we cherished as a democracy. At that point, Francee Fuller (my wife) and I moved to another party. We both believed that the values with which we raised our children were no longer important to the Republican Party. They promoted lies and would cheat their way into any office they could, by challenging election results in court. They rolled back laws protecting the personal choices of women and attempted to turn this country into a theocracy.

The Republican Party had become the Trump party. Their goal was to reduce taxes on the rich and make the rest of us pick up their share.

While Trump was in office, he added $8.4 trillion to the national debt over the 10-year budget window.

No political party is perfect, but one has to be comfortable with the leaders who represent the honesty and integrity of our country. The goal of Trump’s Magas is to destroy American society and the values that some of us, who served in the military, fought to preserve.

The choice is yours and mine in November. Do we want a successful, tolerant and respected America, or do we want to be led by a “convicted felon?” What values do you teach your children? And what will they learn from your actions? They are watching and will remember!

Dump The Felon, Save The Country and return the Republican Party to one of values by voting Democratic in the General Election.

Scott Stoneback
