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Cellphone/electronic devices policy takes effect this year

Salisbury Township School District is implementing a new cellphone/electronic devices policy for the school year 2024-2025.

This “no cellphones in the classroom” policy was made following extensive teacher feedback and research indicating “mobile devices can significantly disrupt both teaching and learning. By supporting a more focused and engaging classroom atmosphere, we aim to improve academic performance, promote more appropriate social interactions and ensure students remain attentive to instructional activities,” Salisbury Middle School Assistant Principal Robert Sawicki shared in a letter to parents and guardians.

Sawicki explained the new procedure at the middle school in his letter.

• Cellphones, earbuds, smartwatches, etc. must be turned off and safely stored in lockers or classroom pouches. Ideally, phones should be in airplane mode so as not to distract others.

• Cellphones may not be on the student and must be placed in either the student’s personal (hallway) locker or in the classroom pouches.

• Cellphones, earbuds, smartwatches, etc., may not be taken to the bathroom for any reason.

• With teacher approval, music can only be played through earbuds or headphones during homeroom and noninstructional study halls. Phone calls cannot be made.

• If students need to make a call home, they can sign out and use the phone in the main office.


• Once the class begins, all students are to place their phones in the pouches provided in classrooms. Phones may not be accessed for the remainder of the class. All devices must be on silent or in airplane mode.

• Students may not take cellphones to the bathroom regardless of the class they are leaving.

• Upon finishing classwork and at the teacher’s discretion, students may be permitted to access their electronic devices during a break (less than three minutes) of class time.

• Students who use their phones to monitor health conditions (e.g., diabetes monitoring) will be permitted to continue doing so.

Consequences for noncompliance (beginning the first day of the 2024-2025 school year):

● First offense - teacher issued warning and documented in student portal.

● Second offense - teacher issued detention and phone call home.

● Third offense and subsequent offenses - Saturday morning detention and administrative contact home.

At Salisbury High School, Principal Heather Morningstar said lockers have been purchased for each classroom.

“Students will place their cellphones in the cabinet upon arriving in class and retrieve them at the end of class,” Morningstar said.

“Research consistently shows that while smartphones can offer educational benefits and enhance communication, their excessive use can lead to distractions, reduced academic performance and impaired attention spans. Moreover, constant connectivity via social media can exacerbate feelings of anxiety, depression and loneliness, as students may experience cyberbullying, social comparison and disrupted sleep patterns. This policy reflects our commitment to providing a conducive educational setting where students can thrive academically and personally,” Sawicki said.

CONTRIBUTED PHOTOA pouch will be provided to students for cellphones and electronic devices during classroom time during the 2024-2025 school year at Salisbury Middle School.