Mama’s Musings - Back to school
Another school year is starting. My youngest is going to middle school. I am a little nervous. I did not love middle school. My daughter did well. My older son did not enjoy it. If we are in an odd-even pattern, my youngest should be fine. But it’s in my nature to worry.
Years ago, my upstairs neighbors had just moved in. I was getting ready for work when I heard sobbing coming from upstairs. The younger of my neighbors’ girls was home alone, and had missed the bus on her first day of middle school. I spoke to her mother on the phone, and offered to drive her daughter to school. This was back in the district I went to, and thankfully I knew the secretary. I drove the girl to school, and left her in the secretary’s capable hands.
My older son was able to make sure he will see my younger son onto the morning bus. I am very thankful for that, since my day job starts before the bus arrives.
Some day the kids will be all grown, and I won’t have to worry about their getting to school on time. However, that is still some years away.
There is always plenty to think/worry about.
I really hope my youngest thrives in middle school. It’s a big change from elementary. One of my co-workers pointed out it is really the biggest change. The differences between middle and high school are less than the differences between elementary and middle school. No recess. The schedule is different. You get multiple teachers instead of one. It’s a lot of change.
Change can be good. Change can be bad. Change can be big or small.
One good thing is that my youngest did camp at the middle school this summer. He has met at least one of his teachers. I have a friend who teaches at his school.
We will go over his class schedule, and his bus schedule. I have made sure his house key and his bus information and his schedule will be in his backpack.
I hope everyone has a good first day of school.