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Salisbury cheerleaders host glam night Aug. 13 at Salisbury High School

Press Photo by Kathy HassickSalisbury cheerleaders hosted a “Taylor Swift Glam Night” party Aug. 13 at Salisbury High School. ABOVE: Salisbury cheerleader Aaliyah Ross gives Kalina Timofee the glam treatment by painting her nails. Additional photos appear on Page A11.
The Salisbury High School cheerleaders turn the high school gym into a Taylor Swift-themed party 6-7:30 p.m. Aug. 13. A group of young ladies enjoy manicures by the members of the Salisbury cheer squad.
The friendship bracelet station is a popular spot during the party.PRESS PHOTOS BY KATHY HASSICK
Sophia Skirvin shows the friendship bracelet she created during the glam night party.
Swift’s music inspires moves on the dance floor Aug. 13.
Salisbury High School cheerleader Ayla Weiss applies Taylor Swift-themed tattoos and stickers to Mazie Plunkett during the party.
Salisbury High School cheerleader Auriana Bobo expertly braids the hair of Rowan Legath during the “Taylor Swift Glam Night” party in the SHS gym Aug. 13.
Taking their turn in the spotlight at the “Falcon Glam Era” photo booth are Danielle Casdia, Lucia Drege and Sinead Fitzgerald.
Chloe Stephens and Gabriella Williams take a break from dancing to music of Taylor Swift for a picture.
Resplendent in their Taylor Swift-inspired finest are Regan Weirbach and Katelin Cunningham during “Taylor Swift Glam Night” hosted by the Salisbury cheerleaders Aug. 13.