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Roasting Ears of Corn Festival welcomes visitors

Despite the frequent rain showers Aug. 17 the Museum of Indian Culture, Fish Hatchery Road, hosted the 44th annual Roasting Ears of Corn Festival, which features traditional music, dances, food and crafts. The festival was set to continue Aug. 18. RIGHT: Shannon Gonawabi of the Ojibway Nation performs a grass dance, a dance to bless the ground before ceremonial dances take place.Press Photos by Kathy Hassick
Upper Black Eddy resident Jeff Steven of the Seneca Nation performs.
Flynn Weintraub shows her parents Max and Abby the gourd rattle she decorated during the Roasting Ears of Corn Festival at the Museum of Indian Culture Aug. 17. Additional photos appear on Page A2.
The Black Bull Moose Singers perform during the festival.
A young dancer wearing ceremonial dress designed to mimic the flow of grass performs a grass dance to bless the ground before ceremonial dances take place.
Kim Wheatley and Shannon Gonawabi of the Ojibway Nation lead the Grand Entry Procession during the Roasting Ears of Corn Festival at the Museum of Indian Culture Aug. 17.
PRESS PHOTOS BY KATHY HASSICKFlutist and composer Sicanni Purizaca fills the air with music.
A dancer demonstrates his skill during the Roasting Ears of Corn Festival Aug. 17.