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Ordinance for open space financing advertising approved

The regularly scheduled Lower Macungie Township Board of Commissioners meeting was held 6 p.m. Aug. 15 at the township building.

During the Aug. 1, meeting, a presentation was made about the possibility of creating an ordinance for open space debt financing. This ordinance has been created, approved by commissioners and is now ready for advertising.

Resolution 2024-40 which amends the fee schedule for recreation and Waste Management was approved. The recreation fees were amended to allow changes in fees for the new pickleball court at the municipal building. This change allows for an hourly fee to use the courts.

The fee schedule also allows the change in fees for collection, disposal and recycling service. The contract with Waste Management was finalized with the approval of the commissioners.

Some very young residents spoke about a playground problem. These residents live in Danfield Run and their playground is set to be eliminated. This disappoints these residents as they have many memories at this park.

President Brian Higgins acknowledged the young residents with a thank you and compliments on their speaking. He explained the reasons for this closure, saying the playground is older and to maintain and repair older equipment is quite costly as well as difficult due to age. He suggested to the young residents that new memories can be formed as well as new friendships can be established by being in a larger, more modern playground that will involve other developments. .

Solicitor David Brooman spoke about Stone Hill Meadows. CKS Engineers are checking into the situation. There was also a meeting with the HOA. Further investigation is ongoing.
