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Macungie police report speed monitoring results

During the regularly scheduled Macungie Borough Council meeting Aug. 19, a resident spoke about a traffic control issue during a serious accident at the intersection of Route 100 and Chestnut Street.

The resident lives near the intersection. and complimented Lower Macungie Township Fire Department on their rapid response to the scene and their excellent ability to direct and control traffic.

The 2025 Financial Requirement and Minimum Municipal Obligation was approved by council for the police pension plan in the amount is $142,099. The nonuniformed pension is $57,278 and the defined contribution plan is $5,300.

The police reported their monitoring of speed on borough roads. In the 35 mph zone, in an hour’s time, the average speed was 39.3 with the maximum being 73. With 5,028 vehicles, 3,853 were clocked over the limit.

There was an executive session held regarding legal, personnel and real estate matters.
