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Letter to the Editor: Why I support Trump

Why I support Trump

To the Editor:

To start with, I’m not just voting for Trump, I’m voting against socialism.

I’m voting for the Second Amendment.

I’m voting for the next Supreme Court justice.

I’m voting for the Electoral College and the Constitutional Republic of which we are a part.

I’m voting to support the police and law and order.

I’m voting for the military and the veterans who fought and died for our country which includes my uncle.

I’m voting for the right to convey my thoughts without somebody censoring me.

I’m voting for secure borders and legal immigration.

I’m voting for the right to practice my religion of choice without fear.

I’m voting for every unborn soul who never gets to see the light of day thanks to our liberal “friends.”

I’m voting for liberty, freedom and the American dream.

I’m voting for good over evil.

So, I’m not just voting for Trump, I’m voting for our children, grandchildren and the future of America!

Jim Knerr
