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Garbage contract out for bid

Alburtis Borough Council met Aug. 14 at borough hall. There were several agenda items aimed at improving community infrastructure, including next year’s garbage services.

The meeting began with routine proceedings, including the Pledge of Allegiance and public comments. No residents from the borough had any comments.

Mayor Kathleen Palmer provided a short report and thanked the first responders and emergency services teams following a local house fire. This was followed by the police report submitted by Chief Tony Alsleben, detailing recent crime statistics in the borough.

The meeting continued with the approval of the meeting minutes from July 31 and the payment of bills, alongside the treasurer’s and engineer’s reports. The Macungie Ambulance report highlighted 11 calls to Alburtis in the month of July.

One of the first approvals in administration was the Halloween Parade route and associated road closures, organized by the Alburtis Area Community Center. This annual event is anticipated to attract a large crowd.

Council then approved Ordinance No. 588, which amends Chapter 41 of the Alburtis Codified Ordinances. This ordinance extends the term of existing handicapped parking spaces and establishes a new space on the easterly side of Walnut Street, improving accessibility for residents near 133 W. Second St.

Discussions regarding the borough’s garbage contract, led by Dave Knerr, resulted in a consensus to continue exploring options with several companies that could potentially improve garbage services for residents. There are possible changes coming with the way Waste Management picks up garbage and recycling, which was a large focus of the discussion. The bid is out, so the borough is still awaiting all of the responses.

Additionally, council reviewed and approved the 2023 Department of Community and Economic Development Audit Report, ensuring transparency and accountability in the borough’s financial management.

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s draft National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit was also approved. This involves the MS4 stormwater management practices within the borough.

There were questions in the end about the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 funds, although no action was taken. The meeting was then adjourned.

The next meeting will be held 7 p.m. Aug. 28.
