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‘Unparalleled career’ in borough history

Brobst attends final meeting as manager, receives accolades from peers

The Aug. 15 Northampton Borough Council meeting marked the end of an era. Borough Manager LeRoy Brobst attended his final council meeting as borough manager.

Brobst will officially conclude his 58-year career serving the borough of Northampton Aug. 31.

Northampton Borough Mayor Anthony Pristash read and presented Brobst a proclamation declaring Aug. 15-31, 2024, as LeRoy Brobst Days in the borough. Pristash said Brobst is completing “an unparalleled career” in Northampton history.

Council expressed, in superlatives, their experience working with Brobst. Councilwoman Judy Haldeman called Brobst “Leroy the Legend.” At the close of her accolades, she appeared emotional as she expressed her affection for Brobst.

Council President Julia Kutzler talked about how long and how well she knows Brobst.

“I will miss you, my buddy,” she said.

Council Vice President Ronald Glassic expressed best wishes for a long retirement and sincerely thanked Brobst for all the assistance he provided to Glassic over the years.

“Thank you for years of service and your passion for our community. You will be missed,” Glassic said.

Kutzler provided a large gift bag for Brobst, and Pristash read his proclamation.

Brobst said working for Northampton was “a job and a journey. I always wondered when the journey would end. It is not ending; it is changing.”

During his retirement, Brobst plans to remain in Northampton in his current home.

“I was born in this community, and I will die in this community,” Brobst said. “And when my time comes, I know my wife will be waiting for me with a cup of coffee and, I hope, a good cigar.”

His wife of 46 years, Debra, died unexpectedly Sept. 12, 2023.

Brobst thanked all present, including his family members who attended the meeting and the Northampton community, for having him work for the borough for 58 years.

He then opened his gifts and expressed gratitude for council and the mayor’s kindness. His eyes lit up when he found, among a number of gifts, a gift card for Cigars International.