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Letter to the Editor: Garbage collection mailer a nice resource

To the Editor:

As a resident and taxpayer of Catasauqua, I would like to thank both the borough office and J.P. Mascaro and Sons for working together to send out a mailer that provides a trash collection schedule for the remainder of this year and all of 2025.

While it may not seem like much, this is actually a great asset — at least for my household and my fellow residents in our specific neighborhood of town. Our part of the borough, unfortunately, has tardy collections by up to almost 48 hours sometimes, as well as completely missed/forgotten collections. Due to this, I have had to place Mascaro in my mobile phone as a contact due to the frequency in which I call for my own household as well as for our whole neighborhood when we get completely missed.

While I still am no fan of Mascaro as our trash collector, it is nice to have something to refer to when our trash collections are tardy or missed, so I don’t have to play a guessing game as to whether or not I might have placed my trash out for collection a day early due to a schedule change for a holiday, etc.

Referring to the borough’s website or calling the office to see about changes in trash collection is not always a reliable option, especially if collection was missed on a Friday and the borough’s office is already closed for the weekend.

Having this tangible resource is a nice touch. Thank you.

Robert Zakos Jr.
