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District News: Welcome back! First day of 2024-25 academic year is Aug. 26

Welcome back to a new school year in Northampton Area School District! The first day of the 2024-25 academic year will be Aug. 26.


Picture days for Northampton Area High School students will be Aug. 27 and 28.


On Sept. 3, Northampton Area Middle School students will have their pictures taken.


Lehigh Elementary School’s PTA group will meet 6:30-8 p.m. Sept. 3. If you are interested in joining, you are welcome to attend to learn more about becoming a member.


Lehigh Elementary’s meet the teacher night, for grades 1-5, will be held 6-8 p.m. Sept. 4.

Northampton Borough Elementary Schools’ meet the teacher night, for grades 2-5, will take place 6-8 p.m. Sept. 5.

Don’t miss this opportunity to become familiar with your child’s school and teachers and to learn what your child’s expectations will be.


Be sure to update the child’s contact information. This would include all phone numbers, emergency contacts and numbers, email addresses, text numbers and permission forms for field trips and photos for the 2024-25 school year. Please read the information carefully and update your child’s information as soon as possible.


Reminders for students for the beginning of the new year: Students who are parking on the streets in Northampton should make sure not to park on streets where parking permits from the borough are needed. It is possible vehicles will be ticketed if parked without permits.

Students must carry an ID each day. It is needed to scan in and out of the building and to sign into study hall.

Additionally, students should not be coming into the building more than 10 minutes before their scheduled class starts. If a student gets there too early, he/she must sit in the office until it’s time for class. Those coming into the building before class starts should report to the auditorium until the bell rings; they should not go to class or hang out in the halls until class starts. If coming into the building late, students should stop at the attendance office before scanning and going to class.


It’s that time of year already. Classes will be in session next week. If you are an administrator, teacher, coach, club adviser, student, PTA member or in anyway related to the school community and would like to share news, email me at JMBNews@hotmail.com with Northampton School District News in the subject. Please email your news two weeks prior to the event to be included in this column. You can also send me pictures and information on the great things happening in the classrooms. Weekly columns are completed the weekend before going to press Wednesdays. Hope to hear from you because I know there are great things happening in NASD!