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District News: Welcome back! First day of 2024-25 academic year is Aug. 26

Welcome back to a new school year at Whitehall-Coplay School District! The first day of the 2024-25 academic year will be Aug. 26.


There will be free breakfast and lunch for all students. Menus can be found on the district site under “For Families.”

Funds for a la carte items can be added to your child’s account by accessing MySchoolBucks through the food services site.


With the addition of the new Gockley Elementary School building, arrival and dismissal traffic patterns for buses and parent drop-off and pickup will be changing at the start of the 2024-25 school year. School personnel will be on site to assist at each of the buildings. Visit the WCSD website for a map and new patterns.


To protect against accidental damage of student Chromebooks, WCSD will offer a $15 voluntary technology fee for the 2024-25 school year. The window to pay the technology fee is open through Sept. 16.

The coverage period runs from the date of payment to June 30, 2025. The technology fee may be paid online using MySchoolBucks or by making a cash payment in the main office.


If you are an administrator, teacher, coach, club adviser, student, PTO member or are involved in the school community, email me at JMBNews@hotmail.com with Whitehall-Coplay District News in the subject. Send your news at least two weeks prior to an event to be included in this column. Weekly columns are completed the weekend before going to press Wednesdays.