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Scouts, historical society provide tender loving care to Leaser Cemetery


Special to The Press

The Lynn Heidelberg Historical Society sponsored a clean up day on April 27 at Leaser Cemetery, Lynn Township.

The day included fence repairs, restringing of the flagpole, weeding and mulching.

Parents and Scouts from Bear Den Pack 588 assisted by mulching with a bucket brigade to add about two yards of mulch to the cemetery.

Participating in the clean up were Dean Kunkel, Henry Kistler, and Eli and Phines Yannes.

PRESS PHOTOS COURTESY STEVE BACHMANLeaser Cemetery, Lynn Township, was mulched, weeded, and received some fence repairs on April 27 as part of a clean up day held by Lynn Heidelberg Historical Society.
Dean Kunkel, Henry Kistler, and Eli and Phines Yannes, with Bear Den Pack 588, stand behind one of the headstones they helped cleaned at Leaser Cemetery.