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Rodale Institute receives grant


Special to The Press

Rodale Institute, 611 Siegfriedale Road, Kutztown, was the venue for an announcement May 14 that it would be receiving a $350,000 grant from the Commonwealth to support a first ever Apprenticeship in Organic Agriculture internship program.

On hand to present the grant were Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry Secretary Nancy Walker and Department of Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding.

Representing the Rodale Institute were Jeff Tkach, executive director, and Renée Baran, dean of education.

Eighteen farm students from throughout the country were attending the program during the presentation.

According to Tkach, there is a “massive gap” in the farm workforce.”

He also stated the future of faming is organic, referring to the sustainable nature of organic farming and its reduced impact on farmland.

PRESS PHOTOS BY LOU WHEELANDPa. Secretary of Agriculture Russell Redding and Secretary of Labor and Industry Nancy Walker join students Connor, California; Lynn Walker, California; Sam Featherman, Philadelphia; Garrett Tidler and Sydney Foreman, both from Indiana; Kristie Polito, New York; (back) Don Kemper and Gig Copeland, both from Pennsylvania; Andrew Hall, Florida; Collin Thompson, Delaware; Isaac Poole, Colorado; Kristin Thompson, New Jersey; Daniel Belt, Arizona; Nick Henrey, Pennsylvania; Rob Younkins, North Carolina and Jeff Tkach, CEO, Rodale Institute. The students study organic farming at Rodale Institute, 611 Siegfriedale Road, Kutztown.
Jeff Tkach, CEO, of the Rodale Institute, makes the case for organic farming to attendees at the announcement of a $350,000 grant.
Pa. Secretary of Labor and Industry Nancy Walker states Pennsylvania is building an organic kingdom.
Pennsylvania Secretary of Agriculture Russell Redding stated his confidence in food labeled as “organic” at the grant announcement to the Rodale Institute.
Renée Baran, dean of organic education at the Rodale Institute, discusses the grant to support the internship program.
Genevieve Copeland, owner of Boo Cat Farm, Oley, was featured as an organic farm owner at the grant announcement.
Jeff Tach, CEO, The Rodale Institute; Nancy Walker, Pa. Secretary of Labor and Industry; Renée Baran, dean of education, The Rodale Institute; Genevive Copeland, owner of Boo Cat Farm in Oley, and Russell Redding, Pa. Secretary of Agriculture, all addressed attendees at the announcement.