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HEIDELBERG TOWNSHIP: End of summer get-togethers being offered in community


Special to The Press

As school preparations begin, I hope you are all enjoying your last few weeks with family and friends.

I just returned from a mini vacation in Florida and unexpectedly found a scenic route, via Houston and Washington, D.C., to get back home.

There is a major end of summer community event for the four Northwestern Townships

Night in the Country will take place 4-10 p.m. on Aug. 17. Rain date is Aug. 18.

There will be cow flop bingo, with donations benefiting the Northwestern Recreation Commission.

Hopefully you will be able to make it!


George Dillman from Pa. Department Banking and Securities will be speaking with H.A.R.P. members at 11 a.m. on Sept. 10 at Heidelberg Union Church.

Fraud Bingo is a fun, interactive presentation that teaches consumers how to protect themselves from scams and fraud by playing a familiar game: B-I-NG-O!

A covered dish to share will be on the menu.

If you can, bring one of your favorite meals!

H.A.R.P. will also meet at 11 a.m. on Oct. 1 for a few hours of fun.

Bring your favorite card or board games.

A covered dish will follow; bring something to share.

For more information, contact Eleanor Klevenhagen at 610-509-7106.


Goodwill Fire Company is having its annual golf outing on Sept. 30 at Old Homestead Golf Course, New Tripoli.

For more information, contact David Hunsicker at 610-704-2473.


New Life Church, 6804 Weiss Road, New Tripoli, welcomes seniors in their social center from noon to 4 p.m. every Tuesday.

All are welcome to attend.


Tell me about an event happening in your corner of the township at md_andronache@hotmail.com.