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Northampton: NAHS to hold open house

The Siegfried Railroad Station Museum, located on Route 329, will be open to visitors 1-4 p.m. Aug. 18. The station is a museum housing artifacts of the Northampton area. This year, there is a special exhibit on the schools in the area. Scrapbooks with pictures of local men and women who served in World War II are also available for perusal.

Northampton Area Historical Society has the station as its home and is responsible for its upkeep. Fundraisers are held by the society for this purpose. The annual mum sale is currently underway. The mums come in 9-inch pots and are available in yellow, white, red, purple and orange.

Delivery is expected 8-11 a.m. Sept. 14 at the station. There is a cost.

To place an order, call 610-570-5083. The deadline is Aug. 29.


Don’t forget to keep supporting your hardworking local farmers, gardeners and food vendors throughout early autumn. Stop by the Northampton Farmers Market 3-6 p.m. Tuesdays, now with live music!


Email your group, church or Scout events to mkorsak20@rcn.com.