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Mama’s Musings: Summer’s end

Summer is coming to a fast conclusion, but there are good things. We enjoyed Musikfest. My youngest son is still young enough to enjoy the bouncy houses, but old enough that we took him to a couple of short concerts, too.

I had to get blood work done for both my primary doctor and my heptologist. It was almost all good news. The summer heat was hard on me, but only the kidney numbers rose a bit.

My youngest son’s birthday is coming up, and we just celebrated with my older children and my daughter’s boyfriend. We went to the Franklin institute and enjoyed two live science shows. I hope to reciprocate soon with a trip to the DaVinci Center in Allentown.

I’ve started writing theater reviews for the Focus section of the newspaper and am loving it.

I am also appreciative that the weather has cooled down. I have always joked about my dislike of warm weather, but with my pbc diagnosis, it became 100 times worse.

We are still sorting a lot of things out, but at least now I am feeling cautiously optimistic. Mostly cautiously because I worry a lot anyway.

Still, I am hoping to enjoy the little bit of summer that is left, and am hoping for brighter things to come.