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Board honors Dorney coaster

PRESS PHOTO BY MICHAEL HIRSCHCommissioners Jacob Roth, Chris Peischl and Monica Hodges, Board President Diane Kelly, Kelly Dilbeck, administrative assistant to the vice president/general manager and Jessica Naderman, vice president/general manager, both with Dorney Park, township Manager Tom Petrucci, Acting Chief of Police Steven Brown and (back) Thomas Johns attended the meeting celebrating the Thunderhawk coaster on July 17.


Special to The Press

There was a presentation at the South Whitehall commissioners’ July 17 meeting for the 100th anniversary of Dorney Park’s oldest Roller Coaster, Thunderhawk, (1924-2024).

Board President Diane Kelly said it was wonderful to give such a recognition.

She thanked Dorney Park staff for the invitation for commissioners to join in the celebration of Thunderhawk.

“A couple of us were able to go out and actually ride the ride again. It’s wonderful,” Kelly said.

“But it was wonderful to hear the comments of the different speakers and roller coaster enthusiasts, discussing the memories over the 100 years with the generations of families and community members who had ridden that roller coaster.

“I do have a proclamation to read this evening.

“ ... We are honored to have such a business like Dorney Park in our great community of South Whitehall Township, and we truly look forward to the next 100 years.

“We wish you very much success and congratulate youw on a job well done signed by the South Whitehall township Board of Commissioners.”

Dorney Park celebrated the coaster on June 29.

According to the Dorney Park website, the named, Coaster, was built as an out-and-back roller coaster featuring little more than a drop and return.

“Over the years it has been renamed and reconfigured into the ride guests can enjoy today.”