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Man arrested for incidents on Ironton Rail Trail

A series of incidents on the Ironton Rail Trail has led to the apprehension of a suspect.

A man, identified by Coplay Police Department Chief Ryan Emerich as Bill Tsala-Nkolo, was allegedly harassing people on the trail by yelling and running at them in a reportedly threatening manner.

According to one of the victims, a Whitehall resident, she was accosted by Tsala-Nkolo on the trail near the Coplay public works building early July 26. She said he screamed at her to get off the trail while running toward her. Armed with her pepper spray, she and her dog fled to the public works building while yelling at him to get away from her, according to her report. This is when she called 911 to report the incident, she said.

She reported this was not her first encounter with Tsala-Nkolo. She said he has almost collided with her and her dog on multiple occasions. She also noted police officers told her they were aware of this man.

She said she has felt threatened by this man and genuinely feared for her life during the encounter July 26. She has also been in contact with other women who have had similar experiences.

Another woman, an Allen Township resident, shared her recent experience on the Ironton Rail Trail as well. She reported she was riding her bicycle on the IRT in the area of American Club of Coplay the evening of July 19 when an individual, whom she also identifies as Tsala-Nkolo, charged at her. She was able to brake and maneuver out of his path at the last minute, she said.

She reported being scared of his attack and wondering if she was ever going to see her children again. She checked behind her to see if he was chasing her, but he was on the ground. She rode off a distance before dialing 911, according to her report.

Once again, the officers reportedly confirmed they had been getting a number of similar calls.

She noted being overcome with anxiety ever since and has not been comfortable to walk her dog on trails by herself, so she has had her husband come with her.

Both of the victims who shared their story said they were initially told they could not press charges because the man did not touch them.

According to Emerich, Tsala-Nkolo was apprehended and is being charged in connection with a June 28 incident.

“Initially, victims were hesitant to pursue charges out of fear of retaliation from Bill,” Emerich said. “The department was in frequent contact with them about their options, and ultimately in mid-July, charges were pursued.”

Emerich reported Tsala-Nkolo is charged with simple assault and several charges of disorderly conduct. Additionally, Tsala-Nkolo also faces charges from other departments and is being held by Lehigh County Adult Probation on probation violations, Emerich said.

He also noted it has been difficult to see people come forward and share their experiences with the department but not pursue further action.

“The most disheartening issue is a large majority of people who could have valid charges refused,” Emerich said. “Many people would share experiences with the department and say, ‘I just want it documented but nothing done.’

“Regarding instances where we have been unable to file any applicable charges, until the laws are changed or new laws are added, we are unable to go forward,” Emerich added.
