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Eight-unit apartment building recommended for approval

An eight-unit apartment building on an approximate one-acre lot at Van Vetchen Avenue off East Susquehanna Street in Salisbury Township has been recommended for approval.

The Salisbury Township Planning Commission voted 6-0 at the July meeting to recommend to township commissioners the approval of the land development project of Bedminster Building Company, Perkasie, to construct an eight-unit garden apartment building with site improvements on 1.09 acres of unimproved land at 1350 E. Susquehanna Street. Access to the apartment building will be from Van Vetchen Avenue.

Each apartment will be 1,200-square-feet. The building will be placed on a concrete slab and won’t have a basement.

There are to be 18 parking spaces with one space allocated for deliveries.

Residents who live in the vicinity of the apartment project have said to planners it will aggravate traffic, parking and stormwater runoff problems.

In his review letter to planners at the July 24 meeting, Salisbury Township Consulting Engineer Stan Wojciechowski of Barry Isett & Associates, Inc. noted six waivers were approved for the project.

Planners had voted at the Sept. 27, 2023, meeting to table the project after voting to approve several variances for the project.

The 5,540-square-foot apartment building is a permitted use in the R4, Medium Density Residential zoning district where it is located, Salisbury Township Zoning and Planning Officer Kerry Rabold said at the Sept 27, 2023, meeting.

Wojciechowski said at the Sept. 27, 2023, meeting, ”The project meets zoning regulations.”

Waivers granted in separate 7-0 votes at the Sept. 27, 2023, meeting, included:

- An open-space fee of $2,000 per unit or a total of $16,000 in lieu of providing open space land;

- 26-foot cartway in lieu of 24-foot cartway;

- Sidewalk on east side of Van Vetchen Avenue;

- Developer to replace eight-inch storm sewer pipe with 15-inch storm sewer pipe.

Attorney Caroline Achey Edwards, Newtown, Bucks County, represented John Ciliberto, owner, Bedminster Building Company, before the township planners.

The Salisbury Township Planning Commission is next scheduled to meet, 7 p.m. Aug. 28 in the municipal building, 2900 S. Pike Ave.
