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Dairy’s decorative tiles are saved

WHPS receives two full panels to be added to museum display

The Whitehall Historical Preservation Society has received eight decorative tiles from the facade of the Lehigh Valley Dairy building. Board members met with Neil Melcher, of Melcher Brothers Masonry, Aug. 2 to thank him for his efforts to save the tiles.

Melcher is the mason who carefully removed the tiles from the building at 1026 MacArthur Road, Whitehall. The artwork was donated to the society by Joseph and Gus Elias, owners of the dairy property.

The vacant dairy building is currently being demolished because it was in reported severe disrepair and was unable to be salvaged. The demolition contractor was originally going to remove the tiles but realized they needed special tools and skills.

Whitehall Township Commissioner Jeff Warren and Melcher took it upon themselves to organize an effort to remove the tiles. The Elias family agreed to give them three weeks to get the job done.

Melcher donated his time and resources but needed to rent equipment. He started a GoFundMe fundraiser and raised $2,440 from approximately 50 community members. The largest individual donation was $200. In addition, the Whitehall Historical Preservation Society donated $500.

A total of 15 decorative tiles were removed, along with purple border tiles. The full-size tiles weigh more than 100 pounds each, and the border tiles each weigh 40 pounds. The society received two full panels, which are made up of four tiles and 21 purple border tiles.

The plan is to include the tiles in the current Lehigh Valley Dairy display at the Helfrich Springs Grist Mill, Mickley and Lehnert roads, Whitehall.

Tiles were also donated to the Allentown Preservation League.

PRESS PHOTOS BY SCOTT M. NAGYWhitehall Township Commissioner Jeff Warren and Neil Melcher join members of the Whitehall Historical Preservation Society and Melcher Brother Masonry staff Aug. 2 to celebrate the donation of Lehigh Valley Dairy building decorative tiles to WHPS.
The tiles are carefully removed to preserve their decorative character.
CONTRIBUTED PHOTOThe Lehigh Valley Dairy display at the Whitehall Historical Preservation Society museum will soon feature decorative panels from the building’s facade, which were carefully removed and donated to WHPS. The museum is located in the Helfrich Springs Grist Mill, Mickley and Lehnert roads, Whitehall.
PRESS PHOTO BY SCOTT M. NAGYA number of tiles on the facade of the Lehigh Valley Dairy building are removed and donated to WHPS and Allentown Preservation League.