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Coplay discusses bicycle safety

Coplay Borough Council met July 6 for its monthly workshop meeting to discuss new matters since the last meeting and possible future approvals for community events and spaces.

Mayor Steve Burker said he is looking to join forces with Whitehall Township to offer a course educating kids on bicycle safety. No date has yet been chosen; however, Burker is hoping for a date in early October or spring of 2025.

He noted the borough doesn’t want the event to be last minute but wants to take the time to plan and do it right.

In a related matter, council and borough police Chief Ryan Emerich discussed bicycle licenses and borough ordinances.

Emerich reported, according to the current code of ordinances, bicycles are technically required to be registered with the Coplay Police Department, along with a documented description and record of the serial number. A $1 sticker is typically issued and should be placed on the frame for official permitted use within the borough.

Emerich suggested revamping the enforcement of these ordinances and updating the code to also include electric or e-bikes.

He said enforcement surrounding helmets and rider safety wouldn’t mean immediate ticketing. Citation waivers are offered with no penalty if the rider can provide evidence of the acquisition of a helmet if under the age of 12 and the purchase meets the standards of the American National Standards Institute, American Society for Testing and Materials, Snell Memorial Foundation’s Standards for Protective Headgear for Use in Bicycling or any other nationally recognized standard for helmet approval.

Council President Louis Bodish spoke on public works matters, reporting Acela Engineering will be moving forward with the rain garden project to aid in stormwater runoff and flood risk reduction by the public works building. The project is a component in maintaining borough permits and would cost the borough approximately $28,000 with design and construction costs factored in.

The next general meeting will take place 7 p.m. Aug. 13 in the municipal building, 98 S. Fourth St.
