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Bus rides offered for new kindergarten students Aug. 8

The start of the school year is a few weeks away! Does everyone have their supplies?

Salisbury Township School District has a lot going on in the next few weeks. Classroom teachers and bus information will be posted to the Sapphire portal Aug. 8. If you are not signed up for that yet, visit the Salisbury School District website under “Community” and use the link to register.

There will be building tours and bus rides for our incoming kindergartners at Salisbury Elementary School, 1400 Gaskill St., 8-11 a.m. Aug. 8. You must sign up for this via Sign-up Genius. If you cannot make this time, there will be another opportunity noon to 3 p.m. Aug. 19.

On Aug. 15, you can set up your student’s lunch account at Payschools.com. Breakfast and lunch is offered free of charge this year through the Community Eligibility Provision but you will need to use the Payschools program for any a la carte items or snacks.

As I say every year, please keep an eye on what your child spends on snacks and talk to them about eating their lunch first. As someone who has done cafeteria duty many years, you would not believe how often we see kids throw away their entire lunch and then go buy an ice cream or bag of chips. We encourage every student to eat their lunch first before buying snacks.

The next event will be kindergarten parent orientation 5:30 p.m. Aug. 15 in the SES gymnasium. This event will give you all the information you need about SES.

Next, the school dismissal manager will be open to set up your students dismissal routine Aug. 16. If you plan on picking your student up at the end of the day at all throughout the school year, you must register for this.

“Kindergarten Meet the Teacher Night” at SES will be held 7 p.m. Aug. 21. A kindergarten playground meetup, sponsored by our PTO, is planned 6 p.m. before “Meet the Teacher” night. All of these events are a great way for your student to meet new friends and get excited for the start of school.

A school board meeting will be held 7 p.m. Aug. 21 at the administration building.

Yard waste drop-offs are open. The Franko site will be open Aug. 8, 10 and 19. Devonshire will be open Aug. 12, 15 and 17. As always, hours of operation are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mondays and Thursdays and 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays.

“I would encourage you to set really high goals. Set goals that, when you set them, you think they’re impossible. But then every day you can work toward them and anything is possible.” Katie Ledecky, nine-time Olympic gold medalist