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People Say

By Dana Grubb

What have you been looking forward to most at this year’s Musikfest?

“We do like to get Take a Taco.”Justin DuganitzAllentown
“The variety of everything.”Jay RaynisBudd Lake, NJ
“Definitely the live performances, the liveliness of the event, and the food.”Devin FontanezBethlehem
“Ten years ago we met here and it was our first date. We’re married now. It’s a trip down the memory lane of love.”June & Rich PaulSouthampton, NJ
“The bands, Island Noodles and the various genres of music and artists.”Rich & Anna Alimonti from Broomall & Pat HochstuhlSwarthmore
“The entertainment for sure. I’m so excited to be here because I had Covid last year and couldn’t attend. I love the people.”Carol RitterBethlehem