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Theater Review: Pennsylvania Playhouse “Kate” is sweet

“Kiss Me, Kate” is one of the best musicals in Broadway theater and the Pennsylvania Playhouse production does the show proud. It’s a sweet tribute to a bygone era.

The musical, a classic of the Golden Age of Broadway (the original production received the first Tony Award for Musical in 1949), has terrific songs with music and lyrics by Cole Porter, many of which became part of the Great American Songbook.

The format is a play within a play. In “Kiss Me, Kate,” a bickering former couple, she the star, he the director-producer, are putting on a musical production based on William Shakespeare’s “The Taming of the Shrew.” It’s a huff and a puff off-stage, and sometimes onstage, for the couple in the throes of uncoupling. Umbrage R Us, you might say of these two.

The “Kiss Me, Kate” musical’s book by Bella and Samuel Spewack provides hilarious verbal exchanges, bon mots and rapier wit between the dueling duo, humorous insights about Broadway shows and an appreciation of the divine comedy that is the human condition.

The July 27 Pennsylvania Playhouse performance was seen for this review.

Pennsylvania Playhouse “Kiss Me, Kate” opens with a rouser, “Another Opening, Another Show,” by the show’s bright and sunny Ensemble and continues the high-energy pace in the smart and authentic direction by London Griffith, with Music Director Amanda Haag, Choreographer Julia DeMore and Orchestra Director Vincent Trovato. The 10-piece ensemble is a welcome return to live music on the community theater stage.

The Playhouse show leads, Armand Reiser (Fred Graham, show director-producer; Petruchio, Shakespeare play character) and Alexis Smith (Lilli Vanessi, show actress; Katherine, Shakespeare play character) let us know from the get-go who the stars of the show are with a nicely lilting version of “Wunderbar” (Why a German beer hall stein-clinking song in a British musical hall setting is beyond me. I will be certain to ask old Cole when I get to the beyond.).

Smith takes it up a notch with the resplendent “So In Love,” which she delivers with operatic power and in spectacular voice. Proving her versatility, Smith (as Katherine) chimes in cheekily with “I Hate Men.” She’s so convincing, it’s scary, in a fun way.

The second act begins with the timely “Too Darn Hot” by the Ensemble, who, ahem, dance up a storm. The choreography by DeMore and the enthusiasm of the dancers is irresistible.

Reiser (as Petruchio) returns triumphantly with the very silly and very funny, “Where is the Life That Late I Led?”

Deanna Mogianesi (Lois) presents a teasing, cute and bravura-sung “Always True to You in My Fashion” with Michael J. Sheridan (Bill).

Smith is back with the up-tempo signature piece, “From This Moment On,” with Shaun Hayes (General Howell) in a fine duet.

The show’s silliest song (and a personal favorite), “Brush Up Your Shakespeare,” is rendered delightfully by Cameron Kunsman (1st Man) and Danny Carroll (2nd Man).

The cast of 25 includes Caitlin McDermott, Joseph Mowad, Caleb Flannery, Johnny Bertone, Evan Heger, Andrew Galindez, Lauryn Littlejohn, Daniel VanArsdale, Sydney Sniezek, Gabrielle Bleice, Olivia Bell, Nico Rodriguez, Sara Woodring, Ella St. Pierre, Lucy Moore, Rose Fortkamp, Bethany Wentlng and Mitchell Hendricks.

Set and Lighting Designer is Brett Oliveira.

In perusing the Pennsylvania Playhouse playbill, I noticed, by my count, that one dozen of the actors in “Kiss Me, Kate,” including the leads, Armand Reiser and Alexis Smith; supporting actress Deanna Mogianesi, plus the director London Griffith, are making their debuts at the Playhouse with “Kiss Me, Kate.” Kudos to the Pennsylvania Playhouse board for expanding the talent pool in Lehigh Valley theater.

If you’re a fan of Shakespeare, love a Cole Porter tune and want to have a fun time with some very talented community theater thespians, “Kiss Me, Kate” is the show to see.

“Kiss Me, Kate,” 7:30 p.m. Aug. 2. 3, 9, 10; 6 p.m. Aug. 11, Pennsylvania Playhouse, 390 Illick’s Mill Road, Bethlehem. 610-865-6665, http://www.paplayhouse.org/

CONTRIBUTED PHOTO BY COREY MULLINSFrom left: Michael J. Sheridan (Bill), Deanna Mogianesi (Lois), Alexis Smith (Lilli), Armand Reiser (Fred), “Kiss Me, Kate,” Pennsylvania Playhouse.